Here we are at the start of round two. Last time Jerry found his job in the Gamer Career and Carol gave birth to their second son Robert, they decided to try to fulfill Carol's LTW of marry off six children. Kevin grew into a teenager and rolled Fortune with the LTW to earn $100,000.
Kevin: I was told I could only get a job in the Gamer Career and as luck would have it I found the job in the paper on Monday.
Jerry: Kevin and I decided to try out the pond.
Carol: I managed to teach Bobby how to walk, but was to tried to start on talking.
Jerry: Potty training is going slowly, I fear we might not make it before he grows up.
Carol: I think it's time..
Carol: Jerry, get over heeeree!
Carol: It's a GIRL! I'll name her Amanda.
Me: Congratulations!
She had a fear and want to have a baby at the same time. I only know about the fear due to the point loss as she gave birth and I had locked the have baby want.
Carol: I started teaching Bobby to talk, but didn't get far.
Carol: It's Bobby's birthday, we only had the time to teach him to walk, since I was always to tried or hungry from the pregnancy or no one was awake to take him to the potty.
Bobby: I'm a BIG boy now!
Me: Good for you, you grew up well.
Bobby: I now have to share a room with Kevin.
Kevin: I will miss having my own room.
Jerry: I want another baby already.
Carol: Did I hear a lullaby? I'm not sure if I did.
Jerry: Yum, fish. We don't have to order food from the store since we have the pond.
Jerry: And we planted Tomatoes as well.
Me: Well lets see how you did?
Me: Good for you!
Me: Congratulations on the promotion Kevin!
Kevin: Thank you.
Me: How did you do on your first day?
Bobby: Not so well.
Jerry: So you just have to add that to this and you'll get the answer.
Bobby: I learned how to study!
Carol: It's time for Amanda to grow into a toddler.
Jerry: Happy Birthday Amanda!
Carol: Oh, you are a cutie!
Kevin: Hi, Paul. Are you still my friend? I know it's been a few days but that's no reason t stop being my friend!
Kevin: Hi, James, sorry I haven't talked to you in a few days.
Kevin: We're best friends now James.
Carol: Starting Amanda on potty training.
Jerry: I think we should try one more time for another baby.
Carol: I heard it that time, Jerry!
Carol: *Groan* Morning sickness, this confirms it, I'm Pregnant!
Jerry: It's fall so maybe Amanda will learn all her toddler skills, not just how to walk like Bobby.
Me: Congratulations on making the right choice and for the promotion!
Jerry: Thank you!
Kevin: I manage to make some money at school from selling cookies made with a family recipe for a fundraiser.
Kevin: This guy, Ricky, came home with me today. But I have work in an hour and had to send him home.
It was Johnny, not Bobby.
Kevin: Awesome, I earned a creativity point!
Carol: Well Amanda, your going to be a big sister soon.
Bobby: I got an A+!
Bobby: I got an A+ mommy!
Me: Shh! Mommy is sleeping, the new baby makes her tired.
Carol: Bobby has an A+! He's so smart!
Jerry: Say teddy bear, Amanda.
Amanda: Teddy!
Jerry: Amanda learned how to talk, that's more then Bobby managed as a toddler.
Carol: Something woke me up.
Carol: Oh! The baby will be born soon.
Carol: Just a little bit more Amanda!
Carol: You did it! Who's mommy's big girl?
Kevin: Bobby and I decided to fish, since it's Saturday. It gives us a chance to bond a bit and we caught more fish to stock the fridge with.
Carol: Time for Amanda ro grow into a child.
Kevin & Bobby: *singing* Happy Birthday dear Amanda!
Amanda: Cool, I'm a big girl now!
Amanda: Yum, Cake!
Amanda: To bad I have to wait a day before I can start school.
Amanda got some glasses, but hers are different then the ones Kevin and Bobby wear.
Carol: I think it might be time! Jerry wake Up!
Carol: It's another girl, I'll name her Sarah.
Carol: I only need two more children, and then I just have to marry all of them off.
Me: Bobby and Amanda watch TV with their mom Sunday morning.
Kevin had earned a Bronze fishing badge when I wasn't paying attention it seems. Jerry also earned his just before I took this picture.
Jerry: It's Sunday, I thought the family should spend some time together so we all went fishing in our small pond. I'm thinking of making it bigger as well as expanding the green house.
Bobby earned his bronze fishing badge and I added a fence. Since it's not part of the main house and it will also keep customers out of areas I don't want them in I think it's okay to add the fence.
Jerry: I made Blacked Catfish for lunch, then Kevin and I had to go to work.
Me: Well it's almost winter, you can see that the pond is now frozen. The pond is also now slightly bigger then it was before.
Carol: I hope these tomatoes come out okay, it's been hard to keep up with them with Jerry working and the younger children needed my attention when I wasn't taking care of my own needs. Kevin has to focus on his school work as well as his job.
Me: Well, here is a picture of Sarah as a baby, next time she should grow into a toddler.
That's the end of this round. They only need two more children to have the six Carol wants to marry off. After that I just have to worry about the dowry for the female children, but since the oldest girl is still a child I hope they will have it by then.
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