The high class family, the Johnson family. Michael and Cynthia are Fortune Sims as is seems appropriate for the high class family.
Me: Hello, how do you like your new home?
Michael: Who are you?
Me: I am the Narrator. I'll always be here, even if I don't talk. So how do you like the house?
James: It's BIG!
Cynthia: It's the right size for our soon to be big family. I know we need to have three more children as that was a part of the deal we made before we moved here.
Me: Yes, now Michael, Cynthia. I need to know what you want to do in life.
Michael: I want to be a Space Pirate!
Me: That's good! That can be done.
Cynthia: That is also what I want to do.
Me: Sorry Cynthia, but once your youngest is a teen you can get a job in Medicine.
Cynthia: I suppose that is better in some ways.
Me: The Welcome Wagon is here. It's just Thomas Brown it seems.
Michael: Hi, I'm Michael Johnson, have I seen you somewhere before?
Thomas: I'm Thomas Brown, nice to meet you. I was at the Hill families house when you where there.
Me: The family is studying cooking together.
Cynthia: Oh Michael, we need to have three more children. We should get started.
Michael: Not a problem.
Cynthia; I know I heard a lullaby.
Me: Oh! It's snowing! Hi James, how was school?
James: Not so good, my grades are horrible!
Me: Just make sure to ask you dad how to study and do your homework everyday.
Michael: Alright son, now remember what I told you about math.
James: I got it.
James: I learned how to study. Thanks dad.
Cynthia: Oh! Hey!
Me: Looks like the first of three babies is on the way.
Me: It's snowing again.
Me: Oh, James brought a friend over, is that.. Martha?!
Well you can make friends with her, but then she needs to go home.
Cynthia: It's almost time!
Michael: I finally found a job as an Ambassadors intern. Looks like I have the day off.
Michael: I'll use my day off to work on the skills I need for a promotion.
James: I got an A+!!
James: Dad, DAD! I got an A+!
Me: Shhh! Your dad is sleeping.
Michael: My boy is Smart!
Cynthia: You know James mommy is going to have a baby soon. That means you'll be a big brother.
Cynthia: Ohh! Michael! Get out of bed it's tiiime!
Micheal: You woke me up Cynthia.. Wait did you say the baby is coming?
Cynthia: Oh, it's a boy! I'll name him Harold.
Me: Michael managed to clog the toilet AND brake the shower in the same hour. Cynthia is NOT happy about that.
Me: James didn't do his homework last night, so had to get up early to do it.
Cynthia: Who's mommy's little boy, you are! Is mommy's little boy hungry?
Me: Well Cynthia, you sure are a good mother.
Cynthia: Thank you.
Cynthia autonomously feed Harold.
Me: Here too? What is up with that? Is there a Jerk around here that walks by or is this another example of why I hate strays?
James: Hi, I meet a girl and brought her home with me.
James: This is Chloe Gongoza.
I think that was her name.
Cynthia: Ug, Michael broke the shower and then heads off to work, leaving ME to fix it!
Chloe: Oh, it's raining!
Michael: I've been promoted to Spelunker. I need to improve my body skills as well as Charisma for a promotion.
James: Chloe, you better head home, this storm is making it dangerous to play outside.
Cynthia: I think it's time we try for another baby.
Michael: I agree.
Cynthia *sleeply* I think I heard it again... A lullaby.
Michael: I worked out some, but didn't manage gain another body point before the car pool arrived. I did however gain the Charisma I needed.
James: Hi Chloe, how is your Saturday going? My baby brother is going to grow into a toddler today.
I heard that there was an opption to 'talk to baby' when someone else was holding it and wanted to try.
Cynthia: Time for Harold to grow into a toddler.
Cynthia: Oh, now my baby's a big boy!
Cynthia: Straight to the potty chair!
Cynthia: Oh! Just as I was getting a bottle for Harold.
Michael: Harold is such a big boy, learning to use the potty.
Michael: Still aways to go before you got it, sport.
Me: Harold wanted to play with the Rabbit toy. but it had spun so it was facing the wall.
James: Thanks for coming over Chloe.
Me: playing catch?
James: Yep, but we're starting to get hot.
James: So I think we'll...
have a water balloon fight.
James: I'm now friends with Chloe.
James: It's my birthday today. Mom is sleeping and dad is at work, so It will just be me celebrating.
Me: Well since the family can't say it, I will. Happy Birthday James!
James: Wow! So this is what it's like to be a teenager!
He grew up gold Aspiration.
Me: What do you want in life James?
James: I want money, like Mom and Dad.
James: I can help mom and dad with Harold now.
Cynthia: The baby will be here soon.
James: My life goal is to earn $100,000.
Me: That's good, you'll be getting a job in Medicine.
Michael: Very soon, he will be potty trained, I hope Cynthia can teach him to walk and talk.
It's 8AM Monday and we leave with this pic of Harold waiting for his food. Interesting note is that his day wear and PJs are the same.
Well that's it for Round one, I lost interest in this challenge for a long time, but now I'm back to playing it. Next their will be a bit of a update for the families stats for Round 1 as well as anycahnges I decided to make.
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